Here is the Smoke Signals student newsletter for this week. This is a big week for our students as they prepare for ILEARN! Best of luck 3rd & 4th graders!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
Aquí está el boletín estudiantil de Smoke Signals para esta semana. ¡Esta es una gran semana para nuestros estudiantes mientras se preparan para ILEARN! ¡Mucha suerte a los alumnos de 3.° y 4.° grado!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
UPDATED: Sorry my last post had the wrong link attached to it. I had copied and pasted the wrong link. This is the correct link for the Smoke Signals newsletter. Also, we do NOT have school on Friday.
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
Here is the Smoke Signals newsletter for this week. A reminder that we do NOT have school on Friday.
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
Aquí está el boletín de señales de humo para esta semana. Un recordatorio de que NO tenemos escuela el viernes.
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
Milan Community Dollars for Scholars 1st Annual Hat Day fundraiser helps raise money for scholarships!! Let's help support the cause! Cost is $1 to wear a hat ALL day on Thursday, April 14th!! You may send in money with your child starting this Monday! We thank you in advance!!
almost 3 years ago, Charlotte Bevis
Hat Day Fundraiser
Hat Day Fundraiser
We are so lucky to have high schoolers from the Ed Professions and Work Based Learning programs! They are a great help in our school!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
Here you will find the Smoke Signals newsletter for this week. Have an awesome week!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
Aquí encontrarás el boletín de Señales de Humo de esta semana. ¡Que tengas una semana increíble!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
Hope you'll listen to the April Super Chat podcast to hear information about our new REACH programs. #weRmilan
almost 3 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Sorry for the delay in the Smoke Signals newsletter, but there is a ton of information to share! Check it out for many happenings at MES!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
Perdón por el retraso en el boletín de Smoke Signals, ¡pero hay mucha información para compartir! ¡Échale un vistazo a muchos acontecimientos en MES!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
The students at MES were entertained by PJ the Magician today. A huge thank you to the MES PTO for sponsoring this event!!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
If you missed Kindergarten Registration, we have you covered! Step 1) Use the link below to access the registration form. Step 2) Give the office a copy of your OFFICIAL birth certificate and immunization records.
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
MES Preschool Registration Step 1) Use the link below to access the registration form. Step 2) Give the office a copy of your OFFICIAL birth certificate and immunization records. *******NOTE******* Registering for preschool does not guarantee your child a spot in our preschool program. We have a limit to the number of students that we can accommodate. Once that limit is reached, we will place students on a waiting list. If you have any questions, please contact Milan Elementary School.
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
Help us put a "Spot Light" on someone doing amazing work in our Special Education Community by recognizing them on the Spotlight Announcement or directly through this link:
almost 3 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Have you signed up for Kindergarten Registration? It’s Thursday, March 17. Call the elementary school tomorrow for an appointment for your child!
almost 3 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Beautiful day for learning outside-PE and chalk art! #weRmilan
almost 3 years ago, Milan Community Schools
There are a lot of great things in the Smoke Signals newsletter this week. Have a great week!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig
Hay muchas cosas geniales en el boletín de señales de humo de esta semana. ¡Que tengas una buena semana!
almost 3 years ago, Travis Rohrig