Students begin another exciting week at MES with Monday Morning Meeting!
over 5 years ago, Cinda Ahlrich
Monday Morning Meeting Team
Students teaching others about Growth Mindset
All students gather together to start a new week
Special student shout outs to this group of leaders
It takes a team, and we have a great one at MES!
over 5 years ago, Cinda Ahlrich
Wednesdays are early dismissal days at all Milan Schools so teachers can learn! Parents, watch for your child to be home 30 minutes early every Wednesday starting tomorrow. #weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Students greeted every morning by other students at MES. Great way to start the day! #lim #weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Students enter school.
Here is the link to the August Super Chat featuring our principals introducing new staff and discussing the upcoming year. Thanks for listening. #weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Milan logo
Looking forward to the new year at MES!
over 5 years ago, Cinda Ahlrich
Love these kids!
The halls at MIS and MMS are full again! Glad to have our students back. #weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Students in hallway
Students in hallway
Here we go! Ready for a fantastic year! #weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Bus in front of school
Welcome Back Students! Let’s make 19-20 a fantastic year of learning! #weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Welcome back photo
The playground is ready for MES students thanks to volunteers from Bridge of Hope. They spread mulch on the playground. Looks good! #weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Swing set
Ribbon cutting for the new Tele-Health Clinic at MES. Thanks to a grant from IN Rural Health Assoc and Margaret Mary Hospital, all Milan students will have access to enhanced care. # weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Ribbon cutting for Tele-health clinic.
You know it’s time for school to start when Tech Tribe sorts Chromebooks to give to students. We’re ready for Thursday! #weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Sorting Chromebooks
Sorting Chromebooks
Today we welcome back teachers and staff as we prepare for the first student day on Thursday. It’s going to be a fantastic year! #weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Flowers in a sunny field to welcome back staff.
Looking forward to meeting your family at Open House at all schools Tuesday, August 6 from 3:30-7:00 p.m. #weRmilan
over 5 years ago, Jane Rogers
Welcome Back to School Image